These are the ones I found so far or people have submitted: Jaguar Dealership:
- After Heather demonstrates the quick burning paper, the cigarette is long again.
- A strand of Heather's hair is hanging in front of her face from the side view.
- Romy enters the service department and a guy looks at Romy..and in the next shot..he is still watching TV. Mimifudge@aol.com
Trip to Tucson:
- The box in the back of the Jag disappears.
- Romy's straw in the arm rest changes angles a lot.
- When they're fighting, the lighting keeps changing on their faces.
- When christy is telling all the success stories, Heather has beer dribbled all over her dress in front the first time. The next time She doesn't. Then a third time is when she actually spits it all over her dress. It may not be in that exact sequence but I know she has it on her dress and then she doesn't.Shadowdancer02@email.msn.com
Michele's Dream:
- The antenna on the back of the limo breaks off, but it's back on when the limo exits the
building and is gone again when they drive off.
- The antenna flies off to the side, but the next shot shows it landed right behind the
Looking at yearbook:
- Romy's cup changes hands.
- The picture of the cheerleading A group is jumping, but the insert shot shows them
standing around.